Birth Stories
Henry’s Birth Story
I honestly don’t know where to begin. As I write this, I am overwhelmed with happy tears and I can’t wait to share my story with you. First, let me start by saying thank you. Thank you for empowering me with the tools I needed to have the most incredible birth...
Niamh’s Birth Story
I just wanted to write and thank you for your help in preparing us for the birth of our daughter. We took your Transform Parenting course in late 2021 and our daughter, Niamh, was born 17/2/22. Prior to taking your course, I was so nervous about the idea of...
James’ Birth Story
We attended your December 2021 class and James arrived in March 2022. I gave birth at 42 weeks exactly so our story involves induction but with a few twists! I loved my labour and l was on such a high from it. It was everything I had hoped the birth would be. I...
Against All Cultural Odds
Against all the cultural odds, I decided to set my mind on natural/water birth. Culturally from where I come from, the more money you have the better private hospital you choose with a luxurious bed and decorations. You choose the best obstetrician in town and...
Arlo’s Birth Story
My husband Matt and I attended your Transform Your Birth course earlier this year on February 19-20. I wanted to email you to say how appreciative we are that we were able to attend your course, as it contributed hugely to my birth experience. Our baby boy Arlo was...
Introducing: Percy James Scott
I have been writing this email over a couple of days and so happy to be able to now send this to you and for Dave and I to share the story of Percy James entering this big world! Dave and I welcomed Percy James into this big world on 29 October 2021 at 41+1 weeks,...
Readjusting to An Unexpected Caesarean
Our birth experience wasn’t as we had prepared for. We'd been having extra monitoring and check-ups throughout the pregnancy, particularly in the final stages - we went in for what we thought would be a routine check up on the morning of a public holiday only to learn...
Avoiding Induction Using Acupressure
I went to my last ob appointment at 39 weeks where they told me that the baby was facing posterior and not engaged. I was booked into the hospital for an induction on her due date which was Anzac day. The doctors didn't want her to be born after this as I had...
Managing the pain
My waters broke at 11:30 on May 29 and strong surges began about 40 minutes later. I was taken aback by how strong they were. I had imagined that labour would begin more gently and gradually progress. Boy was I in for a surprise! Around 1 am, I called my midwife,...
Breech Leading to a Cesarean and Unplanned Separation at Birth
Ysobel had decided some time ago she was content with her heads up position and remained comfortably breech. I, too, was comfortable with her position, having decided to follow her lead and trust her to decide how she'd like to be. Matt and I were at the hospital for...
Vaginal Breech
Both Dean and I found our experience with your class the most beneficial and educational throughout my pregnancy. Even though people were critical on our approach we both knew we had the tools to an enjoyable and positive birthing experience and were even looking...
A Birth With The Lot – Accepting Help when Needed.
Women had different experiences in labour and some were more attached to those experiences than others. However doing the Transform Your Birth course made me realise that deep down I was actually frightened – not so much of contractions in labour, more so the thought...
Going into Labour Early – Partner Just Made It
Kath was visiting from the UK for Easter and it was lovely to spend a lazy autumn day enjoying her company. Kath and I went out for dinner that evening and on the way home I suddenly felt very heavy, and had to ‘carry’ (that is, hold) my belly as we walked slowly back...
We chose to take oral antibiotics and go home rather than remain at the hospital and go on IV antibiotics. We proceeded to encourage labour using all the wives tales - eating chili, nipple stimulation, driving on a bumpy road, smelling Clary Sage, drinking raspberry...
A Quick Birth
Over the next hour, I noticed the mucus ‘show’. I decided that before I became totally focused on the birth, I wanted to finish a few chores. Michael left the house to finalise a few things he needed to take care of. As I wandered around the house, I practiced my...
A Posterior Labour Requiring an Epidural
I went into labour naturally on the 11/04/12 at 41wks and 2days at 2am having regular contractions, I am a light sleeper, so it woke me and I could not sleep after this, but I enjoyed relaxing and using visualisation of the waves coming and going of each contraction....
Induction with a Posterior Labour and Ultimate Caesarean
It all seemed so hard to start with, I was not coping well at all, but I know that the classes helped me and helped us in the acceptance of how our baby was going to end up coming into this world. Our birthing 'Plan' was simple. No Pethidine (although this has already...
Manageable Pain and Quick
The course with Tracey and the things I learnt during it played a huge part in the birth. I was overdue by 14 days so I spent 4 days in the Young Hospital with the doctors trying to induce me using a gel on my cervix - It was horrible! The gel wasn't working and it...
Told by a Dad – Richard
We progressed from Richard saying ‘How are we going to get him out of you?’ after our 12 week scan to looking forward to Aronin’s birth day. Your first session helped us put aside our fears of pain during the birth and gave Richard a sense of the important role he...
Dealing with Caregivers You Don’t Feel Connected To
I have to preface this story by saying that Thomas is our little miracle and a fight right from the start. Before falling pregnant I had 11 lots of surgery, 2 gynaecologists tell me to have a hysterectomy as I had no chance of ever conceiving and IVF. However, I...
Using the Tool Kit
In the last 10 weeks of my pregnancy I tried to do a relaxation exercise each day. At first I found that they just put me to sleep, but after a while I got the hang of it. I was overdue and had an appointment booked with my obstetrician on 1 March to discuss...
A Quick Labour Needing a Bit of Help at the End.
I was truly surprised considering how both Angus and I were when we were newborns. I had a super birthing experience thanks to the course with Tracey. We found out that Harriet was breach at 36 weeks and went in for an ECV to have her turned around. I used my...
A Calm Stress-Free Experience Even Though Things Didn’t Go to Plan
The birth didn't go completely as planned but was still incredible and joyful. I ended up being induced at 41+1 weeks and had a 16hr labour with an epidural for the final 6hrs as unfortunately I had only dilated to 5cm after 10hrs of contracting after my membranes...
Overcoming a Negative Mindset Around Birth
My husband Rowan and I attended your class on 19-20 September when I was 33 weeks pregnant. At the time I saw labour as a ‘necessary evil’ I needed to endure to meet my son and had only heard of the negative experiences other mothers had had with their labours and...
Birthing Again After A Difficult First Birth, But Doing It Differently This Time. Even With an Induction, Birth Can Be Amazing.
I ended up having an epidural for pain relief and our son was eventually pulled out by ventouse delivery. His birth definitely didn't go to plan and although I tried to look back on the event as a positive one - after all it brought our gorgeous son into the world -...
A Short, Powerful Labour
I had the most empowering birth with our first child Finn that my only fear leading into this birth was that it wouldn’t be as calm and positive, and if it wasn’t I would be hugely disappointed. To challenge this fear I took time out to prepare myself, mentally and...
A Very Efficient Birth
It was an amazing and interesting natural birth. Our preparation with our doula Ingrid, the course with Tracey and yoga breathing definitely got us through. I managed the labour at home by myself from about 5am to 2.30pm - I listened to the meditations, did some...
Planning a VBAC with a Much Different Mindset
Lots of my friends and family would tell me to stop thinking about it, all that mattered was that in the end we had a healthy baby and a healthy me…I could see their point but always thought that they didn’t really understand where I was coming from. After Madelon’s...
An Unexpected Homebirth As Told By The Dad
It has been great reading everyone's stories and seeing all the beautiful bubs being born. exciting adventure happened with the birth of 'big' Patrick (which is better told in person....cause it has actions...but I'll try and write a brief summary for you...
An Unexpected Homebirth Told By The Dad
Our little bundle of joy, Chloe Faith joined the world on Thursday 15th Jan at approx. 1:36am. She weighed in at 3.53 kg and was 50.5 cm's long. Things started happening about 6:30pm on Wednesday evening and by 11:30pm surges started to intensify, confined only to the...