Both Dean and I found our experience with your class the most beneficial and educational throughout my pregnancy. Even though people were critical on our approach we both knew we had the tools to an enjoyable and positive birthing experience and were even looking forward to the birth.
I had an enjoyable pregnancy and had kept active and had also been doing prenatal yoga to help have a calm pregnancy & birth.
4 days before my labour, bubs was engaged head first and doing fine. Somehow he decided that he wanted to come into our lives with a little drama & in reverse order. I had a very spontaneous labour, I was woken up at 1.30am with needing to go to the bathroom and unsure if my waters had actually broken. I went back to bed knowing that I could have many hours ahead of me so I needed to rest up. 15 mins later I woke needing to go back to the bathroom and had a little lower back pain. I knew I was in first stage of labour and found it uncomfortable to lay down so I went and had a shower to get more relaxed. It was here when my contractions started. After seeing one of your video stories of the lady who made pancakes while in labour, I was actually all set to have a substanial first stage and was prepared to make pancakes and listen to the CDs and practice my yoga breathing and go to my happy place. This did not happen as my contractions started out at about 3 minutes apart and I was on all fours trying to breathe through them, not getting much recovery before the next set started.
Dean called the hospital and the woman advised that we should be heading to the hospital straight away. I remained calm and focused on my breathing while Dean got my bag packed and got the car organised. It was about 3am and I was about 2-3 mins apart at this stage.
Once at the hospital we were both calm and as my birthing partner, Dean did a fantastic job. He took the role of communicator between the midwife and myself and we both were very calm. After my examination the midwife advised that I was breech and would have to go for an emergency c section. I remained calm and even though this was not my preferred option I knew I was in capable hands. I then must have transitioned into the next stage and all I wanted to do was push. This was when I was advised that I was not allowed to push and to try and hold back. This was VERY hard and required to gas and lots of focused breathing to try and not to push.
Once in the operating theatre there was a pause when I was waiting for the epidural yet nothing seemed to be happening, all while trying not to push, the doctor then advised me that I was took far engaged and I was going to have to deliver my baby naturally. I think he picked up on both Dean and my calmness and I was truly happy that I was able to have this baby naturally and finally allowed my body to push. The pain no longer seemed to be there (uncomfortable but not painful) and I knew that with each contraction I was closer to meeting my baby. There were many hospital staff in the operation theatre as it wasn’t every day that you get to witness a breech birth but I was focused on the doctor, midwife and Dean.
Levi was born at 5.31am, he required assistance in breathing which was concerning but the whole room was calm and I did not sense any concern. He was taken away straight up to the special care unit so unfortunately; I was not able to have ‘tummy time’ straight after the birth. Dean accompanied them up to the special care unit so he could be with him. I was able to birth the placenta on my own which was great.
I was then taken up to meet my little man, who was breathing on his own and was able to spend tummy time together. He is truly an angel and the most perfect baby, we are very happy that he chose us. He spent the next 20 hours in special care and then was allowed to join me in my hospital room. I was able to wake up the next day (the first day of spring) with my little man next to me.
Dean and I would like to thank you for your class and to prove to us that a positive birthing experience is possible. Even though our birth plan was not what we had planned we were able to remain clam throughout the whole experience. We are enjoying being new parents and fall in love with our little angel more each time we look at him. I have been fortunate in being able to breast feed him and loving being a mum.
Thank you,
new mama bear, Janine.