My husband Matt and I attended your Transform Your Birth course earlier this year on February 19-20. I wanted to email you to say how appreciative we are that we were able to attend your course, as it contributed hugely to my birth experience. Our baby boy Arlo was born on 1 May (he shares his birthday with me!), and while I found the labour/birth to be tough, I also found it to be one of the most amazing experiences of my life.
I was in early labour from Friday night until the next afternoon, working through the contractions using breathing techniques, TENS machine, light touch from Matt, and shower. We went to the hospital later that evening, and the midwives were telling us that I was still in early labour as my contractions were 3-4 minutes apart and I was appearing very relaxed and calm. They eventually examined me and to the midwife’s and our surprise I was 9cm dilated (and too late for any drugs!). Not long after I had the urge to push and not too long after that our baby Arlo arrived.
The midwives were amazed at how well I handled the labour when I was so far progressed, how supportive Matt was, and how my body just knew what to do. We really have to thank you for this and your course.
We have been raving about you and your Transform Your Birth course to our friends, and that they must attend the course!
Take care and thanks so much again,
Rianna and Matt