
We’re Not Just a Birthing Course

Courses, coaching, and community from pregnancy through to the first seven years of a child’s life.

For Pregnancy

birth preparation classes couples

If I was to go and ask 100 people to tell me what comes to mind when they hear the word ‘childbirth’ – what would they say? Pain. When you think about this, you realise the inherent problem we have as a culture when it comes to childbirth. Unfortunately, we focus on the pain. We make childbirth about the pain, and how to avoid as much pain as we can.

We need to create a different narrative, and a different reality for all women when they go to give birth. Childbirth is about having and welcoming a new baby.

We need women and their partners to understand that childbirth can be a very different experience. How? By choosing and adopting a particular mindset when having a baby.

You see, science tells us this:

  • The body and the mind are connected.
  • What you think, causes the body to create biochemistry which results in that feeling. This feeling communicates to your body how to respond to the environment, both real and imagined. Therefore, what you think about childbirth, will influence how your body responds to the birthing process.
  • If you’re scared of childbirth, your body will create a stress response. This makes childbirth harder and more painful.
  • If you feel calm and confident and relaxed about birth, free of fear, your body will respond to labour in a very different way. I call this the path of least resistance.
  • What we fear, we fuel. What we resist, persists.

For New Parents

Thriving as a New Mum or Thriving as Dad focuses on you, the new parent, more so than the baby. Tracey knows the challenges new parents face so she has devised a program that explores a different theme each week, and puts forward powerful tools to support you and your partner to thrive. This will transform your experience of the intense learning curve that comes with having a new baby.

prenatal classes couples
prenatal classes couples

Thriving as a New Mum or Thriving as Dad focuses on you, the new parent, more so than the baby. Tracey knows the challenges new parents face so she has devised a program that explores a different theme each week, and puts forward powerful tools to support you and your partner to thrive. This will transform your experience of the intense learning curve that comes with having a new baby.

The Parenting Village

antenatal classes

The Parenting Village is a magical container for parents to connect, reflect, learn and grow alongside one another, with magical results.

As a community of parents, we’ll come together every month to discuss different parenting concepts and techniques and how you can apply these in everyday life.

Together we’ll troubleshoot themes and reflect on them while forming a village of parents like no other. A community that will support you and be there for you every month — as you journey through the trials and tribulations of toddlerhood (and beyond!).


    Join Now for free access to the first four lessons from my signature birth preparation course, Transform Your Birth.

    Develop knowledge, practical tools and a re-training of the nervous system – so you don’t just think differently – you labour differently. 

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    About Transform Parenting

    Welcome to our Transform Parenting Centre, a selection of programs that have been designed from Tracey Anderson Askew’s 20 years of experience working with new parents. 
    Transform Parenting is about transforming yourself to grow with your children. 
    We’re ultimately stepping into the bigger, better, wiser parts of ourselves and our potential. Transform Parenting will guide you along this path, by teaching you the knowledge, practical tools, and skills you need to “retrain” your nervous system.
    tracey anderson askew transform parenting


    Keeping Relaxed & Excited About Birth

    You’ll get a taste of what it’s like to work with Tracey as you prepare for birth
    — and learn 3 things that can make a BIG difference to your birth experience.

    How partners can make your labour easier and shorter.

    How partners can make your labour easier and shorter.

    Let's empower partners to not just be token bystanders, by highlighting their role and making birth a team effort when welcoming babies.

    Join me 28 January, 6.30pm AEDT.

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    Head over to your inbox for your link to the webinar.

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