Transform Your Birth Podcast
The Transform Your Birth Podcast will educate, entertain and support your ability to navigate pregnancy and prepare to give birth
Transform Your Birth Podcast
Transform Your Birth Podcast will educate, entertain and support your ability to navigate pregnancy and prepare to give birth. We can’t control birth, but Tracey helps us to see how we can influence it and how it helps us to become parents.
Transform Parenting Founder Tracey Anderson Askew explores birth through stories and the lens of what birth can teach us. She prepares families for birth and parenting and views birth as the catalyst for the transformation necessary to go from woman to mother, and man to father. These podcasts will share that wisdom and change the current birth narrative from what happens in birth to how birth changes us.
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What we need when we have a baby | Episode 88
Today in the podcast we are looking at what new mothers need when their baby arrives. It is a precious time, and we don’t always appreciate what the new mother is going through. Today I will help you to see it through the lens of the changes that take place, when we...
What babies need when they are born with Tracey | Episode 87
You can talk to a lot of new mums, who will share what it was like for them – but it is very difficult to know what it will be like for you. Every labour is different, every birth is different, and every baby is different – and you are different. There is a unique...
Mel – IVF conception, open mindset, long labour followed by a caesarean | Episode 86
Mel conceived her baby using IVF which was a long journey. When she was pregnant, she started to realise she needed to get this baby out, and was open to using anything. After hearing some stories, she realised she needed to prepare. When she did the Transform Your...
Emily – Tens machine, Waterbirth, tearing, the power of good support | Episode 85
Emily comes from a family who spoke very positively about birth. She then does the ‘Transform Your Birth,’ course which helps her to get her mind onboard and have a greater understanding of how she can manage the unpredictability of birth. She goes into spontaneous...
Dee – Homebirth transfer, VBAC, dealing with conflicting information and decision making | Episode 84
Dee shares her story of two births. After her first experience, she decides on a homebirth, and her goal is to have a vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC). She prepares by completing the ‘Transform Your Birth’ course, and accesses many resources to support her belief...
Emily and Josh – Preparation, teamwork, birthing with love not fear | Episode 83
The story I am sharing with you today left me with goosebumps from head to toe. Through preparation, birth readiness and team work - Emily and Josh were able to activate mother nature’s blueprint - and how she wants us to experience birth. You will find this story...
Preventing birth trauma with Tracey | Episode 82
In this episode, I will guide you through some practical tips on preparing for birth, with an intention to reduce the likelihood of birth trauma. For anyone preparing for birth, this episode is worth listening to. We will also be taking a break in releasing the...
Hazel – 4 Factors that impact your experience of birth and VBAC | Episode 81
I have for you today Dr Hazel Keedle who is a Senior Lecturer of Midwifery at The School of Nursing and Midwifery at Western Sydney University. Hazel has more than two decades of experience as a clinician in nursing and midwifery, educator and researcher. Hazel’s...
Maryn Green – Birth as a rite of passage and rituals for pregnancy | Episode 80
Maryn Green has been attending women as a midwife since 2009; first as a licensed midwife and now as a spiritual midwife that helps facilitate the ceremonies of birth and mothering. Maryn is well known for being the founder of the Indie Birth Association and Indie...