
Transform Your Birth Podcast

The Transform Your Birth Podcast will educate, entertain and support your ability to navigate pregnancy and prepare to give birth

Transform Your Birth Podcast

Transform Your Birth Podcast will educate, entertain and support your ability to navigate pregnancy and prepare to give birth. We can’t control birth, but Tracey helps us to see how we can influence it and how it helps us to become parents.

Transform Parenting Founder Tracey Anderson Askew explores birth through stories and the lens of what birth can teach us. She prepares families for birth and parenting and views birth as the catalyst for the transformation necessary to go from woman to mother, and man to father. These podcasts will share that wisdom and change the current birth narrative from what happens in birth to how birth changes us.

“Tracey I listened to episode 5 today – the first time I’ve listened to your podcast. And I have to say, I just loved that not only was it a beautiful experience shared, but it also talked about mindset, feelings and approach to Sheena’s two different births, with you then delving more into this as a mindset/approach to birth in general in a way that anyone can relate!! Fabulous!! Can’t wait to binge-listen to the rest over my last 6 or 7 weeks of pregnancy #2! Thank you!
P.S. This one is next in my play queue – love the idea of the noise-cancelling headphones!!”

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Chelsea – Body Work, 2 day labour, Big baby | Episode 94

Chelsea – Body Work, 2 day labour, Big baby | Episode 94

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What we need when we have a baby | Episode 88

What we need when we have a baby | Episode 88

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What babies need when they are born with Tracey | Episode 87

What babies need when they are born with Tracey | Episode 87

You can talk to a lot of new mums, who will share what it was like for them – but it is very difficult to know what it will be like for you. Every labour is different, every birth is different, and every baby is different – and you are different. There is a unique...

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