
Blogs & Birth Stories

A collection of inspiring birth stories from past students and insightful blogs written by Tracey.

Personal Development

Holding big feelings for ourselves as parents

Holding big feelings for ourselves as parents

How do you do feelings? Especially big ones? Do you fly off the handle, or shut

Do you ring a friend and blurt it all out or write about it? Do you pretend it isn’t
challenging, and when your partner asks how you are – you say, “fine!”
You probably do all these things, I know I do. So how can we hold big feelings for our
children when we can’t always do it for ourselves?

Working On Your Limiting Beliefs

Working On Your Limiting Beliefs

How do we get limiting beliefs? It starts in childhood when we are at our most vulnerable. Experiences, moments in time that were intense, that involve people close to us, and usually comes with strong emotions. This leads us to create meaning from those experiences,...

Choose Your State of Mind

Choose Your State of Mind

Have you ever just stepped back and listened to your mind? “Oh god my bum looks huge in these jeans.” “I’m just so over this work, come on 5 o’clock.” “Are you kidding me, why did you say that?” If you take a step back, you will notice that you can observe your...

How partners can make your labour easier and shorter.

How partners can make your labour easier and shorter.

Let's empower partners to not just be token bystanders, by highlighting their role and making birth a team effort when welcoming babies.

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