
Working On Your Limiting Beliefs

How do we get limiting beliefs?

It starts in childhood when we are at our most vulnerable. Experiences, moments in time that were intense, that involve people close to us, and usually comes with strong emotions. This leads us to create meaning from those experiences, which ultimately become beliefs. At the time, these beliefs serve to protect us, but over time, they become limiting, making our lives harder. As babies and young children, we also take on the beliefs of our primary caregivers, as programs to help us survive. We are not yet able to discern what to take on, and what might make our life harder and more limited – they just absorb through osmosis, and then continue to reinforce these beliefs as part of their programming.

How do we overcome limiting beliefs?

It helps when we understand the origin of this belief and realise as an adult that it is outdated and no longer relevant, helpful or sometimes even dangerous to our life as an adult.

New information, or ways of looking at things help us to let go of the old belief and make way for a new belief.

To install a new belief, it helps if you practice it over and over again. Repetition, repetition, repetition. Practice, practice, practice.

Understanding how the mind works to reprogram it

This information comes from Marisa Peer, a well-known therapist and the founder of Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT).

  1. The mind learns by repetition
  2. The mind cannot hold two conflicting beliefs or thoughts.
  3. In a battle between emotion and logic, emotion always wins.
  4. Your mind always does what it thinks you want it to do, so be careful of what you tell yourself. Eg; “I hate going to work.” Marisa says; tell yourself better lies. “I choose to do this, and feel great about it, until something better comes along.”
  5. Your mind works to move you from pain to pleasure.
  6. Your mind responds to the pictures and words you give it – choose well.
  7. Your mind wants you to stay with what is familiar, while avoiding what is unfamiliar.
  8. Whatever you focus on you get more of.

Changing limiting beliefs

Marisa Peer,  believes that all limiting beliefs usually come down to these 4.

I’m not enough,

I’m not lovable

X is not available to me

I don’t belong

Now, identify a belief that you would like to change, and ask the following questions;

How long have I had this belief?

When do I first remember experiencing this reality?

After what happened then, is it still relevant to you now?

What am I afraid will happen if I don’t hold on to this belief?

When I think this what feelings come with it?

What behaviours come with it?

What would life look like without it? Create a vision around life without this belief. Use detailed rich imaginative language so that you can see and feel your life without this problem. Include the people that would be in your life and how they would respond to you.

Practice imagining and rehearsing this vision of life without  this belief, for at least 28 days.

If you would like more support in reprograming your  mind, and utilising this powerful therapy, go the the website; www.traceyandersonaskew.com

Enjoy recreating your life. Tx

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