The Magic of Zoom and Teaching Online
I have to be honest, when the world started to change so dramatically in March and almost overnight I went from teaching 20 people in the one room, to 20 people online on Zoom, I had to wonder “Will my program still work its magic?”
I’m a results person. I will always give my families a good experience in the Transform Your Birth course, and they have a lot of fun being with other couples learning powerful and fundamental information. However, I’m more interested in how this experience then translates into their birth. Can I create the same motivation to do the practices? Can I be as intuitive to their individual needs, to give them guidance on how to navigate their own circumstances? I’ve only ever done this face-to-face, and I know my inner guidance is strong when I’m with people. I seem to know what to say, and how to say it in a way that can change the way they think and transform themselves.
Education is an artform. I love creating the best conditions for learning to create new ways of thinking, doing and being. Transformation is the name of the game and there are many ways for that to happen.
After a couple of months of teaching on Zoom, I can confirm it still carries the magic. In fact, I have discovered many advantages to running a course in this format. Here are a few:
- It seems to bring couples closer together. By sharing it in their own space, and then being given tasks to do together, they come together and see clearly the importance of each role.
- Comfort opens the possibility for relaxing and when we relax, we open the inner door to the subconscious mind. This is the storehouse of all of our experiences and belief systems, and when it comes to birth, that warehouse needs quite a bit of cleaning out. Where can we feel more comfortable than in our own homes?
- The visual aspect of Zoom allows us to see each other more clearly, in a safe and respectful way. Being up close and personal, as if we were having a conversation, can make learning more personal and meaningful for couples. It is like I am talking to them directly and not to a large group.
- I have always kept my classes fun and engaging but using Zoom has given me the challenge of making my material even more ‘bite-sized,’ which promotes memory retention.
- I have been able to provide my material in a variety of ways using emails, YouTube links and personal videos. People are free to revisit their learnings again and again.
- I have actively provided more opportunities for people to revisit us, through the catch-up groups and attending sessions again if they need to. I’m no longer limited to space inside the room.
- People can now do our classes from wherever they are. If they are away for work, they can still log in. If they have friends or family who they know will love what we do, geography is no longer a limitation. We are now officially national.
So, Zoom is here to stay, and whilst I will return to doing face-to-face classes eventually, there will always be this option for my families. It does seem to be the new normal and we will only get better at it with practice.
Sending you all love and good health,
“We originally postponed our course as we thought we’d prefer to do it in person, but turns out we were worried for nothing! The course via Zoom was so engaging from start to finish! Tracey cultivated a friendly and supportive atmosphere, and it wasn’t exhausting or awkward at all. In fact, it was lovely to be able to join from the comfort of our own home (especially for the relaxation exercises) and to have easy access to snacks. It also meant we could be more open and privately share any comments / observations while on mute.”