
Mel conceived her baby using IVF which was a long journey. When she was pregnant, she started to realise she needed to get this baby out, and was open to using anything. After hearing some stories, she realised she needed to prepare. When she did the Transform Your Birth Course she could see how her and her partner could get through, using tools and breathing, and getting on the same page.

This changed her mindset dramatically as she could see the value of the birth process. What resulted was a long labour, a caesarean and a feeling of excitement to meet her baby. She says it would have been very easy to get scared, but through preparation – she experienced the changes easily and with a sense of agency. Lots to be learnt through Mel’s story.


Transform Parenting website

Transform Your Birth Today

Better Birth: Mini Gift

Free resource: Medical Necessity vs Choice

How partners can make your labour easier and shorter.

How partners can make your labour easier and shorter.

Let's empower partners to not just be token bystanders, by highlighting their role and making birth a team effort when welcoming babies.

Join me 28 January, 6.30pm AEDT.

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