
Leah shares how she shifted her perception of the pain and overcoming her fear of birth after doing the ‘Transform Your Birth’ course. Her partner felt much more comfortable in knowing his role also. At 36 weeks Leah discovers her baby is in the breech position. She had to come to terms with the change of plan and she shares how she was able to shift her mindset, to open herself to the understanding that birth may not proceed in the way she wanted. She then had an ECV, which is a procedure to try to turn the baby – which is successful.

Leah goes into spontaneous labour. She shares her journey through the different stages and it ends up being long. She experienced wonderful skilled care from her midwife and other health professionals. She needs help with her placenta and is amazed at how calm and ok she was dealing with this unexpected situation. She then shares how this experience prepared her for parenting.

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