
Well we have clocked 100 episodes and been going for 2 years.

It’s quite a milestone, and one I am very proud of. 

Putting together something like this, takes a team. I want to acknowledge Katie, who inspired the idea, Lindsay who got us all set up, Nadia – our producer and Carmen who books our guests. 
I also want to thank our Birthing mothers, their partners, and the experts in their field. All the people who have shared with me their wisdom on this podcast. 

To put something as special as this out into the world is no small feat – and worth the effort.
In this episode I wanted to share a montage of the wisdom that has been shared through our interviews. This is a lovely summary of the teachings we do in the Transform Your Birth,’ course. A course that has evolved over 20 years of working with parents through this important time. It has been through them that I have learnt the most.

The intention of this podcast has always been to educate, through story telling, what moves the needle. What you can learn, do or be that can make the biggest difference to how you experience whatever is on your path.

So on with the wisdom.


Transform Parenting website

Transform Your Birth Today

Better Birth: Mini Gift

Free resource: Medical Necessity vs Choice

How partners can make your labour easier and shorter.

How partners can make your labour easier and shorter.

Let's empower partners to not just be token bystanders, by highlighting their role and making birth a team effort when welcoming babies.

Join me 28 January, 6.30pm AEDT.

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