
I am so excited to bring you Catherine Bell, the developer of the Birth Mapping process. Decision making during pregnancy and birth will have the most profound and significant influence on how your birth unfolds. The biggest mistake people make during pregnancy and birth is completely handing over the decision making process to their carers. Your job is to step up, understand the landscape, and decide what your needs are in any given situation from pregnancy, birth and after the baby arrives.

There are many potential things that can happen, by mapping your chosen options, you are more likely to be able to adapt to the many paths that this experience can take a birthing family.  Catherine will help us to understand how to do this through her PHD research on birth mapping. She also brings to us some of the recommendations from the recent release of NSW Birth Trauma report. From Catherine’s research, she can see that this process can contribute to the prevention of birth trauma. This is a ‘must listen,’ episode for all pregnant women.

You will find Catherine’s contact details in the show notes below this episode.

Catherine Bell is a Mother, consumer advocate, and Master of Science Communication about to complete her PhD evaluating her book, The Birth Map.

You can find her on instagram @birthmapping and on Facebook @TheBirthMap


Transform Parenting website

Transform Your Birth Today

Better Birth: Mini Gift

Free resource: Medical Necessity vs Choice


How partners can make your labour easier and shorter.

How partners can make your labour easier and shorter.

Let's empower partners to not just be token bystanders, by highlighting their role and making birth a team effort when welcoming babies.

Join me 28 January, 6.30pm AEDT.

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